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Proposed Women
and Youth Center

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1. An opportunity to get together, to share, to learn, and to grow.

2. Learning self-help projects like weaving, embroidery, knitting, hygiene, and others.

3. Adult education:  Writing, reading, nutrition, and others.

4. Health care:  An opportunity to learn about health care and benefit from St. Oliva Medical Center.

5. Emancipation skills: Astuteness with money and other resources, group account in the SACCO.

October 23, 2012 389
Women Club
October 23, 2012 405
October 23, 2012 396

Uniforms were given to the women in the Women's Club.

LETI Foundation for Africa-Uganda has provided pigs to the Women's Club. The women have agreed that half of them will get one pig and the other half will receive piglets from those who have received the pigs. Pigs are preferred over other animals because they grow fast, produce many, and eat anything available. 

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